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The Redneck Games are held around the Fourth of July every year, and you'll find pretty much what you might expect when a bunch of rednecks get together and let it all hang out - albeit in a family sort of way. Fifteen thousand people come annually with kids and dogs to participate in a variety of redneck-themed games, eat good food, watch a few unique events (like the kid who taught himself to play Dixie on his armpit), and just generally have a good time.
The most popular events at the Redneck Games include:
* The Hubcap Hurl, a unique version of the Olympic discus
* Bobbing for Pigs Feet - pigs no longer attached
* Redneck Horseshoes, using toilet seats instead of horseshoes
* Mudpit Belly Flop, which is self-explanatory
* Seed Spitting using a variety of different fruits - because no redneck event would be complete without a barrage of watermelon, apple, and orange seeds.
Besides regular events, you'll find all kinds of things redneck: dancing and music of course, pretty girls and boot-stomping excitement, beer (in moderation--it is a family festival), and plenty of good food. Often car shows will be held in conjunction, and you always find the other necessity of car shows: scantily-clad girls. All kinds of redneck gear is sold as well, from buck-tooth baby pacifiers to outhouse artwork. In short, it's a festival devoted to the endearingly tacky life of the redneck - and the just plain tacky as well.
The Redneck Games are kicked off by the running of the Propane Torch, carried by L-Bow, which is used to light the ceremonial barbecue grill, and at the end of the day they're closed by a fireworks extravaganza (without any of the Hey-Y'all-Watch-This performances that can make ordinary fireworks so exciting).
While the Redneck Games do turn a profit, every cent is turned over to local charities, proving once again that ordinary American rednecks are among the most generous people in the world - and really know how to have a great time. To quote Propane Torch runner L-Bow, a redneck "works hard, plays hard, and dies broke." The Redneck Games, between organizers, participants, and generosity, fulfill all three criteria to be truly redneck.