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Some of the best sources for good oils are healthy fats like:
Cold Water Fish Nuts -- Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans Seeds -- Sun Flower Seeds Vegetables -- olives, canola, cold pressed hemp etc.
Remember even those fats that are considered to provide 'good oil' are still fats. And all fats -- good or bad -- contain 9 calories per gram. So how many grams of overall fat you consume has to be of concern.
Your body requires certain levels of nutrients from these oils each day to operate at peak efficiency. But if you must eat too much fatty foods to get the proper levels of things like Omega 3. This is a problem.
In some cases we would have to ingest far too much of a given food to be safe or convenient.
Even if we eat a perfectly balanced diet. We may still be not getting enough of the good oils our bodies needs. While taking in far too many of the bad oils. Unhealthy and dangerous fats like trans-fats raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and lower good cholesterol (HDL) levels.
Tiny amounts of trans-fats occur naturally in meat and dairy products. But the most dangerous source is when oils are 'hydrogenated' (solidified using hydrogen). Things like 'hydrogenated' margarine, cookies, microwave popcorn and many others contain trans-fats.
Trans-fats are proven to create the plaque that clogs arteries. Eating trans fats increases your risk of heart disease and stroke and is associated with greater risk of obesity and developing type 2 diabetes.
The Very Best Oil
Fish oil -- (Omega 3 DHA) is considered to be the very best of all the good oils -- can be obtained from eating cold water fish. Here the danger is the amount of heavy metal toxins found in the fish itself.
The safest fish to eat are found far a field. In places like New Zealand, away from heavily travelled shipping lanes.
The fish of choice is the Hake, but even if you could eat Hake everyday -- you still wouldn't get as much pure, quality fish oil as from simply taking a couple of fish oil capsules.
So when it comes to finding and experiencing the benefits of 'good oils'. The simplest route is by taking a couple of totally pure -- high quality -- fish oil capsules each and every day!