Selasa, 03 April 2018

The Best Folliculitis Treatment for Hair Problem like Scalp Folliculitis

The Best Folliculitis Treatment for Hair Problem like Scalp Folliculitis

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Scalp Folliculitis is often called hot tub folliculitis or barber's itch, but in actuality these two activities generally have little to do with the actual onset of the infection. Folliculitis is brought on by damage to the follicles of the scalp that can be brought on by a number of external factors. A history of skin conditions could inevitably make you a candidate for a folliculitis infection. Because of the skin's propensity to produce exorbitant amounts of oil, the pores stand a greater chance of becoming plugged up with these excretions and thus a higher chance of getting folliculitis.

People who work in roofing or in an automotive capacity also have a higher propensity to contracting scalp folliculitis. That's because not only are these occupations hot and thus cause the person to sweat at a higher level than, say an office worker, the substances that they work around like tar and automotive lubricants are high in oil contents, thus clogging the pores of the scalp. Diseases such as diabetes or HIV are good indicators of a potential risk to folliculitis. That's because these diseases, much like folliculitis, thrive in people with a weak or weakened immune system. Such an immune system has less of a defense against infection in the first place.

The most common cause of scalp folliculitis is friction. Shaving your head opens up your scalp to contracting a mild case of infection. That's because shaving causes undue friction on the scalp. The same can be said of wearing tight head coverings. They also cause friction to the scalp and can impact the hair follicles. Whether it's a function of your occupation, exercise or just overactive sweat glands, perspiration is another common cause of folliculitis. The reason behind scalp folliculitis has to do with the follicles' need to breath. Clogging up the pores on the scalp lends to a higher chance of getting the infection.

Acne of any form can be irritating, but scalp acne is technically known as scalp folliculitis that can be downright annoying. If you develop an infection of your scalp's hair follicles, you can do a number of things to treat it, with a focus on keeping your hair and scalp clean, and controlling oily hair before it gets out of hand. Always wash your hair in either lukewarm or cold water as hot water usage results in over-production of sebum and your scalp will be oily in a few hours. To avoid agitating sebum glands, do not massage or scrub your scalp while washing your hair; the same applies to brushing or combing your hair; never dig the comb into your scalp. Wash your hair as often as necessary to manage your current condition, keep it grease-free and prevent recurring cases. Make sure you use a shampoo that's made for oily hair (containing zinc), as this will lower your hair's sebum levels (if you want to condition your hair, also use an oily hair-friendly product). For the duration of your scalp folliculitis, you can use a shampoo containing salicylic acid. Once your condition has cleared, you can use a regular shampoo. You also may find good use out of anti-dandruff shampoos containing antifungal agents such as ketoconazole or ciclopirox.

Scalp folliculitis also cured by removing excess bacteria and oil, use an antibacterial cleansing product that contains tea tree extracts. Whatever kind of treatment you use, your hair may lose some valuable micro-nutrients and vitamins in the process. Once a week, about an hour before washing your hair, use a natural and deep-conditioning hair mask made from coconut milk, egg yolk, fresh tomato juice and honey. With their fatty acids, essential vitamins and amino acids and acidity to reduce your scalp's sebum levels, this combination helps replenish lost nutrients

You want to ensure that you treat your condition swiftly before it has a chance to worsen. A severe cause of scalp folliculitis could can lead to acne necrotica miliaris and perifolliculitis capitis, which would require a visit to the doctor, and cause hair loss or scarring and also may require treatment involving antibiotics, antifungal medication or corticosteroids. alicylic acid formula is a good at-home remedy. If you apply the acid to the affected area with a cotton swab, the acid exfoliates dry, flaky skin and helps reduce whiteheads. As result, your scalp will stay clear of build up and have reduced flare-ups.

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